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How to stay on brand with Scenery’s Brand Kit
How to stay on brand with Scenery’s Brand Kit
Updated over a week ago

Brand resources

We’ve already been helping teams manage brand resources in team’s settings by adding resources like:

  • Fonts

  • Colors

  • LUTs

Brand Kit

In addition to existing brand resources in team settings, you now have a Brand Kit tab on your homepage and within projects to quickly find your saved brand elements.

Save Scenes and assets to your Brand Kit

Now you can save an existing Scene with titles, animated graphics, title wipes, logos, and whatever else you want to add as a template that can be used at the start of a Scene’s creation (for example, maybe you have a branded intro and outro you want to start with before you drop in and edit your main content).

In addition to saving Scenes, you can also easily save individual assets to your Brand Kit with an easy click from the properties panel (like logos, animated Lottie files, transparent transition videos, and more).

Getting started with your Brand Kit

  1. Add Scenes and assets to your Brand Kit

    Before you can work with your Brand Kit, you’ll need to first populate it with the key Scenes and assets that you want your team to be able to reuse across projects. In this example, let’s save some logo files, along with our opening title sequence Scene.

    To save an asset or Scene to your Brand Kit, select the item and click the “Add to Brand Kit” button in the properties panel. As you add to your Brand Kit, you’ll see your Scenes and assets in separate sections

  2. Add an item from your Brand Kit to your Scene

    Now that you’ve populated your Brand Kit with the elements you want to reuse, you can add them to the Scene you’re building.

    To add an asset to your Scene, simply drag and drop into the Timeline. To add a Scene to your Timeline, right click the Scene from the Brand Kit and select where you want to insert it (at the beginning, at the end, or at your playhead).

Best Practices

Creating a project specifically for branded Scenes will allow you and others on your team to easily navigate and find Scenes that may need to be updated.

Steps to create organized Brand Kit Scenes:

  1. Create a project and call it: "Brand Kit Scenes"​

  2. Rename your Scene and have it correspond with what you are attempting to create. For example, if you are creating multiple lower third titles, you can call the Scene: "Lower Third_1".

    Additionally, you can change the Scene settings to another aspect ratio. For example, if you create a lower third title for a (9x16) portrait video, you can call the Scene: "Lower Third_9x16".

  3. Begin to assemble your Scene

  4. Once you are done assembling the Scene, Add the Scene to your Brand Kit

  5. From here, you can navigate to any project and drop in that exact Scene to your project and adjust accordingly

Steps to update a Scene that previously exists in your Brand Kit:

  1. Remove existing Scene from your brand kit

  2. Navigate to your project with all of your branded Scenes

  3. Adjust the Scene that needs to be updated

  4. Add the Scene back to your Brand Kit

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