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Team asset management in Scenery
Team asset management in Scenery

Centralize all your assets in a shared media library and work on your video editing projects from a centralized space.

Updated over a week ago

Uploading and adding assets

You can add assets to your Scenery team or project from the following sources:

  1. Direct upload from your computer. Upload existing audio, video, image, GIF, and other files directly from your computer.

  2. Cloud storage sources. Connect your Dropbox or Google Drive accounts and select which folders or files you want to import.

  3. Stock video & music. Search across Shutterstock (music, video) and Pexels (video) for free stock footage to use in your projects.

  4. Screencast recording. Record your screen to create demo videos or tutorials.

  5. Voice recording. Directly create and import audio recordings.

  6. Webcam recording. Record directly from your webcam and import.

  7. AI-generated images. Use Dall-e to generate images based on text prompts.

As your media begins to upload, you will see a progress report/status of your media. Once complete, you will be able to quickly scan through and preview all your assets.

💡 Cloud storage import tip. Once you start importing your media, the media will continue in the background until complete — so if you close your browser or if it goes to sleep, your media will be there when you return.

Team vs Project assets

Within Scenery, you can store your media assets at the team and project level.

Within your team, give other collaborators access to all your recurring brand assets like:

  1. Evergreen content.

  2. Logo files. Upload logo files and even logo animations.

  3. Brand animations. Import pre-built title wipes or animated graphics (including alpha transparent assets).

  4. Intro and outro sequences. Import recurring intro or outro sequences for a video series you’re working on.

Within your project, you can access any of your team level assets but you can also organize the media you just imported at the project level. Give collaborators a focused in view to all your assets for the specific project.

Scenery supports the following video, still image, audio and container formats:

Video Formats

  • Apple Animation codec

  • Apple Intermediate codec

  • Apple ProRes (all versions)

  • DV (including DVCAM, DVCPRO, and DVCPRO50)


  • H.264

  • HDV

  • HEVC (requires macOS 10.13 or later)

  • iFrame

  • Motion JPEG (OpenDML only)

  • MPEG IMX (D-10)

  • QuickTime formats

  • Uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2

  • Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2

Still Image Formats

  • GIF

  • HEIF (requires macOS 10.13 or later)

  • JPEG

  • PNG

  • PSD (static and layered)

  • TIFF

Audio Formats

  • AAC

  • AIFF

  • CAF

  • MP3

  • MP4

  • WAV

Container Formats

  • 3GP

  • AVI

  • MOV (QuickTime)

  • MP4 (yes)

  • MTS/M2TS

  • MXF

Organizing assets

Creating Collections

A Collection in Scenery is a folder to organize all of your media and assets. You can create Collections within a Collection and structure the Collections however you’d like. Collections can be accessible for your entire team or privately created if you do not want others on the team to have access.

To create a team collection or a private collection:

  1. Select the Collection tab under the designated section

  2. Create a new collection by clicking on the icon

Renaming and Controlling Collection permissions

If you ever want to rename a collection, right-click on the collection and select rename. If you ever want to make a team collection private or a private collection public for your team, open your properties panel with shortcut key [.] (period) and change the visibility setting.

Centralizing and standardizing brand assets

Creating a Collection for brand assets

If you’re working as a team to create multiple video projects for the same brand, you can create a Team Collection for all your recurring brand assets like:

  1. Logo files. Upload logo files and even logo animations.

  2. Brand animations. Import pre-built title wipes or animated graphics (including alpha transparent assets).

  3. Intro and outro sequences. Import recurring intro or outro sequences for a video series you’re working on.

Setting Team-level brand fonts, colors and color LUTs

Within team settings, you can add your brand fonts, colors, and color LUTs if applicable. You can access all saved presets and team collections within any edit of yours.

Creating Collections within a project

Similar to creating a collection within your home dashboard, you can also create a collection within a project. This will help you keep your project organized. To create a collection within your project, select the project tab and add a new collection by clicking on the icon.

Team Project vs Private Projects vs Shared Projects

A project is the place where you create and work on a set of related videos with your team for a given video project.

Similar to a team and private collection, you can make your projects public for the team or only accessible for yourself.

You can also grant access to collaborators within your team into certain projects and deny access to other collaborators within your team to specific projects. The reason one might do this is while they want to see all the projects in production, they might want to keep one collaborator from seeing work being created from another collaborator.

Similarly, you can invite outside guests into certain projects. While they might not be in your team, they can still access your project due to the permission you granted them.

Curating your assets

One of the key benefits of storing all of your footage in Scenery is having the ability to organize quickly and efficiently with yourself and with your team.

Tagging and filtering

Tagging media assets and collections within Scenery will help you and your team stay organized. A tag helps when you are searching among a variety of assets. In Scenery, once you open your properties panel [.] (period), you can single tag or batch tag by holding down command and selecting the media clips you’d like to tag.

When you are done tagging your media, you will be able to find your assets easily within the search bar.

Tagging a collection

You can also add a tag to a collection. A tag will help you stay organized. For example, If you have various team collections with similar naming conventions, you can tag certain collections with one label and the remaining with another label

Aside from tagging, Scenery’s filter menu, will help you narrow down the assets you are looking for. You can filter by Name, Date Created, Duration, File Size, Date imported, and Ascending.

Generating transcripts

Automatically generating transcripts from your media lets you decide what soundbite you want or don’t want a lot quicker.

How to transcribe your media clips:

  1. Once your media is uploaded, select the clip you'd like to transcribe

  2. Navigate over to the Transcript tab, whether you're in the media library, Project page, Canvas, or Timeline

  3. From here, select "Click to transcribe"

Once media is transcribed, you can search within the text of the transcript to help find the soundbite you’d like. This strategy will save you time as you no longer have to listen back through the clip.

After detecting the section you’d like to use in your edit, you have various options to save the clip to use later in the edit (How to favorite or reject clips from transcript).

Create comments and highlights

Creating a comment or a highlight can help with evergreen content. It can also help for the purposes of collaborating with others in your team.

When creating a comment, you can:

  1. create a generic comment on the entire media clip

  2. create a time coded comment to point to a a direct place within the clip

  3. create a range comment to point to a specific duration of the clip. Select “set in” or “set out” to create a range.

    💡 Note: You can also use shortcut keys “I” and “O” to set your in point and out point.

  4. create a comment from the transcript by highlighting a range and either navigate back to the comment tab or directly write a comment in the space provided under your clip.

  5. create a comment from the transcript by simply favoriting or rejecting the clip

Favorite or reject clips

If you don’t want to spend time writing out feedback for yourself or for your teammate, you can also favorite or reject clips. Favoriting and rejecting will speed up the logging process. And if you’d like to leave a comment on favorited or rejected clip, you can always edit in a comment after the fact.

To favorite a clip, you can:

  1. Select the Star icon in the comment tab

  2. Use the [F] shortcut key to favorite a clip within the transcript of the media

To reject a clip, you can:

  1. Select the prohibited icon in the comment tab

  2. Use the [⌄+ F] shortcut keys to reject a clip within the transcript of the media

Reply to collaborators and teammates

Because Scenery is a collaborative tool, you and your collaborators can optimize for a quick asset management workflow. You can reply to collaborators in real-time, as you’ll see comments appear instantly on clips.

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